Member Profile

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  • Amrit Dias


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About Me
About Me:
I am a mother of two active young boys and discovered the IAIM Baby Massage Course with my first child in 2015. Coming from a long line of Indian mothers and grandmothers who massaged their babies, and watching my own younger siblings being massaged, it felt like a natural path for me to follow. I massaged my first daily from 5 weeks to nearly a year old and my youngest whilst not benefiting from having my unidvided attention for quite as long, still loves asking for some baby massage at bedtime.

I loved my own experience of doing the IAIM Baby Massage course with my NCT group back and still fondly remember us following up the course with a regular massage session at one of our homes each week.

In my classes I try to create a comfortable and relaxed home from home atmosphere and hope to give new parents the same confidence to massage and play with their babies that Baby Massage gave me.

I started my training and taught my first group class in 2018 and became a Certified Infant Massage Instructor with the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) in early 2019. Since then I have taught over 100 parents the joy’s of Infant Massage and Story Massage.

More recently I have expanded my offerings to include Wellbeing for Mothers and Babies too and hope to further expand my Story Massage classes for older children in the near future.

Come to one of my classes and let me pamper you for a short while. All babies and families are welcome and if your are not ready to face the world I can also come to you and teach in your home. I hope that it will nourish both parent’s and children’ relationships and facilitate bonding that will last a lifetime.
About Classes:
Classes are run from my home in North London, in a comfortable dedicated room. I teach up to 8 families in a group and offer 2 to 3 Baby Massage courses per half term on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and my follow on course, Wellbeing for Mothers and Babies on Thursday mornings. Afternoon options are also available for groups of 3 or more.

I teach Wellbeing for Mothers and Babies on a Tuesday and have spaces for Private 1-2-1 classes in clients homes and can also do private group bookings for friends too.

I also offee Private one to one sessions in the comfort of your own home, with dates and times to suit your and babies needs.
How to Book:
Bookings are made directly with me either by making an enquiry through my website or emailing me at

Class/Company Location Date Cost