Frequently Asked Questions

About the Training Course

Where are the training courses held?
The IAIM hold courses throughout the UK, please click here to find a course near you.

How much will the training course cost?
The 4-day training course costs between £495-£650 (+ VAT if applicable), depending on the location where you attend. For exact costs and availability please contact the Course Co-ordinator listed under the course you are interested in. They will be very happy to send you more information and answer any questions you may have.

Will I need a demonstration doll?
Yes. You will need a demonstration doll for the training and they can be purchased from the IAIM online shop here. Dolls are not included as part of the training course cost, unless specified otherwise. If you are unsure as to whether one is included or not, please contact the Course Organiser listed next to your course details on the ‘Find a Training Course’ page.

What do I need to do to qualify besides the 4-day training?
Complete a take-home open book assignment containing short answer questions and multiple choice questions. You are also required to teach the 5 week IAIM Course to 5 parents with their babies, either individually or in a group.

Do I have to attend the entire 4-day training?
Yes, it is very important that you attend all 4 days as different elements are covered each day.

Can I take the course online?
Outside of unprecedented circumstances, such as the global pandemic, our training courses take place in person as preference, and always live with an IAIM trainer. The IAIM training programme has a lot of practical elements and nurturing touch which we feel is better conveyed in a face to face environment and offers a more connected experience.

How long do I have to complete my take-home work?
You have 4 months to complete your written and practical assignments.

What happens if I cannot complete within 4 months?
If you are unable to complete within the given time frame, then you may be able to arrange an extension with your Trainer.

Can I send coursework to my Trainer via e-mail?
It may be possible but will depend on your Trainer’s preference. So if it’s important please ask the Course Co-ordinator prior to booking your course.

About Working as an Instructor

Where can I work once I have qualified?
You can work anywhere you would find parents and babies. Many of our instructors work independently, from home or elsewhere within the community, eg. village or community halls. We also have many CIMIs who work in Children’s Centres which have recognised the value of our programme for many years.

Am I allowed to work outside the UK?
Yes, it is an international qualification. Please see for a list of the countries in which the IAIM have a presence. If you want to teach in a country which is not listed then please contact our International Rep on

Do I need to obtain a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check to run baby massage courses?
It is not essential to obtain a DBS check if you are running private courses but is recommended. Some employers may require them and will request them on your behalf. If you need or want to obtain a DBS check, independent of any employer, log into the Member’s Area for details of how to apply for one.

About Insurance

Do I need to be insured and where can I get Insurance?
We recommend that all practicing CIMIs are insured. The following companies provide insurance policies which will cover Infant Massage:

Balens Insurance –
Complementary Therapists Assoication – (A&P qualification required)
Holistic Insurance Services –

If you are already insured for another therapy, check with your current insurance company as they may be able to add Infant Massage on to your existing policy. The IAIM does not endorse any particular company but provide the above details for your information. We recommend that you do your own research to work out which company best suits your individual needs.

About Membership

When will I become a Member of the IAIM?
When you have completed the 4-day training, you will become a Student Member of the IAIM. You will receive a Membership number which will allow you to gain access to the Member’s Area of the website and you will receive Touch Matters, the IAIM newsletter, and details of stroke reviews, study days and the AGM.

When is my membership due?
When you attend the 4-day training, you will become a Member of the IAIM for one year. Your will receive details via email detailing how to register and subscribe to our website. Initially you will be a Student Member and this will be upgraded to Full Membership when your trainer informs the IAIM office that you have received your certificate. At the end of your Membership year you will be sent a letter reminding you that your fees are due and payment will automatically be taken from your chosen payment method.

Do I have to renew my membership?
Ongoing membership is required for everyone who has trained with us and wishes to continue to teach under the IAIM banner and benefit from our educational study days, massage stroke refresher opportunities, Touch Matters newsletter and our fantastic parent-focussed website. The title CIMI and the IAIM logo are trademarks of the IAIM and therefore can only be used by fully paid-up members.

My Membership has expired, can I rejoin the IAIM?
Yes, you can rejoin the IAIM at any time. Just contact the Office on and they will be able to give you the relevant information in order to rejoin.

Can my employer become a Member instead of me?
Yes, your employer can become an Affiliated Member. Tiered membership rates apply depending on the number of CIMIs your organisation employs. For further details please contact the IAIM office on

Do I have to be a member of IAIM to teach infant massage?
Ongoing membership is required for everyone who has trained with us and wishes to continue to teach under the IAIM banner.
